12th Jan 2020


Holy Mass Intention
Saturday   11th  6:45pm Parishioners
Sunday  12th      9:30am Dec. members of Moore / Walker families
Monday 13th     6.45pm Brian Allen RIP
Friday 17th        9.30am Walter & Jean Cliffe RIP
Saturday 18th   6.45pm Parishioners
Sunday 19th      9.30am John Keijzer RIP


Monday:  Eucharistic Exposition / Benediction: 7.10pm-7.45pm;  Friday: Marian Devotions at 9.55am     Our Lady’s Lamp is sponsored to 26 January

Holy Mass for Sunday at St. Peter & St. Paul’s, Mawdesley – Saturday at 5.00pm, Sunday at 11.15am

This Week    
Ministry E. Minister Reader
Saturday   M Rouse
Sunday D Mackley D Culshaw
Next Week    
Ministry E. Minister Reader
Saturday   P Allison
Sunday J McDaid B Brady

PARISH  OFFERTORY COLLECTION:  £353.37    Thank you      Standing Orders (December): £375.64  Thank you

200 CLUB DRAW:  January prize winners:    1st    Z. Tennah  (132)        2nd G&S Abram  (175)

LITTLE CHURCH:  The children’s Little Church sessions starts this Sunday, 12 January.

SINGING FOR HEALTH!  If you enjoy singing in the luxury of your own bathroom but have never felt confident enough to join a singing group, then why not consider joining our church choir?  They are a very friendly bunch and are keen to welcome new members when they meet in church on Tuesday 14 January at 7pm.  This will be the first practice of the year and will last approx one hour.  All voices are welcome to join in this fun activity, which has been scientifically proven to benefit both mind and body.  There is no charge and you’ve nothing to lose, so, why not give it a go…?


Our Lady’s is part of the Tarleton Walking Day Ecumenical Group and as such, we will be hosting the annual service this year.  Please make a note in your new diaries!  The annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins next week, on Saturday, January 18, and continues through to Saturday, January 25. The theme for 2020 is “They Showed Us Unusual Kindness.” (Acts 28:2) Please join with Christians around the world praying “that all may be one… that the world may believe”  (John 17:21).  You can also join with members of other Christian churches and communities in our area for this service at Our Lady’s on 19 January.  There will be refreshments in the hall afterwards, where you can meet with fellow Christians in a more social setting!

ARCHDIOCESAN DIRECTORIES 2020:  New editions are available to purchase from the porch: £3.50 each

REFLECTION: THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD  St Pope John Paul II was once asked what was the most important day of his life.  Do you know what he said?  He didn’t say being ordained a priest, he didn’t say being made a bishop or even being made Pope.  He said, “The day of my baptism was the greatest day of my life.”Baptism is an immersion into Jesus’ death and resurrection: ‘Do you not know that all of us who have been baptised into Christ Jesus were baptised into his death?’ (Romans 6:3).  St Paul therefore says to us: ‘Consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.’ (Romans 6:11).  Then we can be alive in Christ.  Then we can indeed make him known so that the glory is given to his Father.