15 March 2020


Holy Mass Intention
Saturday      14th        6:45pm LISCF
Sunday         15th        9:30am Private Intention
Monday        16th        6.45pm Maria Peacock RIP
Friday           20th       9.30am Mary Roscoe RIP
Saturday       21st        6.45pm    Dec members of Kelly family
Sunday          22nd      9.30am Parishioners
Monday         23rd       10.30am Requiem Mass for Tony Cheetham RIP


Monday 9th March: Exposition / Benediction: 7.10-7.45pm, Confessions: 7.10-7.35pm;  Friday 13th March: Stations of the Cross after 9.30am Mass;  Our Lady’s Lamp is sponsored to 5 April – thank you

Holy Mass for Sunday at St. Peter & St. Paul’s, Mawdesley – Saturday at 5.00pm, Sunday at 11.15am

This Week    
E. Minister Reader
Saturday   P Allison
Sunday     D Mackley G Wright
Next Week    
Ministry E. Minister Reader
Saturday   M Rouse
Sunday P Allison B Brady  


 The Archdiocese has advised that holy water stoups should be kept empty until further notice.  In addition, the shaking of hands at the sign of peace is also suspended and parishioners are asked to receive the sacred host in their hands rather than on their tongue.  Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are asked to sanitise their hands before and after Communion.  For further Government advice please check the following link: 


PARISH  OFFERTORY COLLECTION:  £260  Thank you    Standing Orders (February): £585.31  Thank you.

200 CLUB DRAW:  Prize winners are:        1st M. Farrell (139)        2nd M. Goldfarb (24)

1st COMMUNION PREPARATION:  The next session for parents and children will be on Sunday 22 March, after 9.30am Mass.

MISSION BOXES:  Please bring your Mission Boxes in for counting and leave in the Sacristy.  Many thanks.

CAFOD FAMILY FAST DAY: Final week for handing in CAFOD envelopes. Please Gift Aid your donations if you can – it makes a huge difference!  Many thanks to those who have already donated.

NUGENT CARE COLLECTION:  There will be a Retiring Collection next week, 21 and 22 March for Nugent Care.  Please Gift Aid your donations if you can.  Envelopes are available in the porch. 

SEND EASTER CARDS TO OUR PARTNER CHURCH IN THE LATIN PATRIARCHATE OF JERUSALEM: Archbishop McMahon is encouraging all parishes to send cards to their twinned parish in Jerusalem.  Our Lady’s – and Ss Peter & Paul in Mawdesley – are jointly twinned with the parish of St Joseph’s in Jifna and their priest, Fr Johny Bahbah. Please write your Easter greeting to our brothers and sisters in Jifna parish and leave your card in the box provided in the porch.  They will be sent on 23 March, as they can take several weeks to arrive. Fr Mario da Silva in Gaza says, ‘It is a personal joy for me and my parish to receive every year your cards.  Thank you for your concern about our difficult situation here.’

There are a selection of Easter cards on the table by the box in the porch, for you to choose.

LENTEN REFLECTION – Canon Philip Gillespie

The month of March opened for us with the first Sunday of the Lenten season, so the whole month is marked by the purple of recollection, penance and confession.

Purple is a royal colour but also the colour of penitence.  With no flowers on the sanctuary and the Gloria and Alleluia rested for the season, the austere ashes and the theme of ‘have mercy on me God, in your kindness’ the liturgy seeks to pare things down to their basics – not only to allow us better to appreciate the basics but also then to rejoice all the more at Eastertide as the white vestments and banners return, the flowers, the uplifting music etc.  There are a few notable exceptions however, where white makes a pre-Paschal appearance: St Patrick’s Day (17th), St Joseph’s feast on the 19th and the Annunciation on the 25th.