23 February 2020


Holy Mass Intention
Saturday       22nd      6:45pm Elspeth Moore RIP
Sunday          23rd       9:30am Dec members of Dilworth family
Wednesday  26th     6.45pm Holy Souls NDL
Friday            28th     9.30am Holy Souls NDL
Saturday       29th     6.45pm    Dec members of Johnson family
Sunday             1st      9.30am James & Edith Hooper RIP


No services on Monday 24 Feb;  ASH WEDNESDAY 26 Feb is a Holy Day of Obligation, with Fasting and Abstinence.  Holy Mass is celebrated at Our Lady’s at 6.45pm and at 10am at Ss Peter & Paul’s, Mawdesley; Stations of the Cross after 9.30am Mass on Friday 28 Feb

Holy Mass for Sunday at St. Peter & St. Paul’s, Mawdesley – Saturday at 5.00pm, Sunday at 11.15am

This Week    
Ministry E. Minister Reader
Saturday   M Cookson
Sunday     P Allison D Mackley
Next Week    
Ministry E. Minister Reader
Saturday   M Rouse
Sunday J Hushon P Allison

PARISH  OFFERTORY COLLECTION:  £313.01  Thank you                   

FASTING & ABSTINENCE:  Catholics in England and Wales who are 14 years of age and older are to abstain from eating meat on all Fridays of the year.  There are only two days when we fast as well as abstaining from eating meat: Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.  Fasting is binding on everyone from the age of 18 up to the 59th birthday.  One definition of fasting is ‘eating significantly less food’.

SYNOD 2020 – LAUNCH OF 4th AND FINAL THEME: ‘Building community, nurturing belonging’.  There are leaflets for this final theme on the table in the porch.  Please help yourself and give some time to reflect on these important questions.  The final Parish Synod Meeting will be held at the next Coffee Morning, on SUNDAY 8 MARCH, after 9.30am Mass.  If you are unable to attend the meeting, please visit the Synod 2020 website: www.synod2020/office or follow the link on our parish website.

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER – FRIDAY 6 MARCH: The Tarleton & District annual service will be held at Hesketh Bank Methodist Church, Chapel Road, at 7.30pm.  The theme this year is ‘Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk’.  All are welcome.

CAFOD FAMILY FAST DAY – 6 MARCH: Envelopes are available from the porch for this year’s Family Fast Day.  CAFOD urgently needs help to fund local experts, like Sr Consilia, who is a trained pharmacist, working in an out-of-town health centre in Zimbabwe.

CATHOLIC TIMES / UNIVERSE* Copies are available for parishioners, at the extremely reasonable rate of £1.50 each.  Purchasing a paper enables you to keep up to date with the latest news and developments, both locally, nationally and internationally.  The papers can be found on the table in the porch: 2 copies of The Times and 3 of the Universe.

OUR LADY’S MEMORIAL GARDEN:  Please see the plans for our parish memorial garden in the porch.  We will be organising fund-raising activities (eg ‘Buy-a-Brick) during the year.  Please contact John O’Hare / Paul Allison with any thoughts / ideas / suggestions.


The following articles (amongst many others) are featured in The Universe and The Times this week:-

THE UNIVERSE –  Cutting carbon emissions; action on air pollution; the dangers of social media & Caroline Flack; Duchess of Cambridge support for the homeless; actor Martin Sheen as a Catholic president; the state of prisons and need for reforms; working with the SVP; Pope Francis & married priests

THE CATHOLIC TIMES – The Pope, the Amazon & role of lay people; Christian Climate Action programme for Lent; Lent – silent prayer in a noisy world; fascinating Troy: myth v reality; pupils’ anxiety over exams; campaign for self-defence lessons in schools; use of NDAs; what to give up for Lent in 2020; the Pope and the role of women in the Church.