26th January 2020
Holy Mass | Intention |
Saturday 25th 6:45pm | Bill Holcroft RIP |
Sunday 26th 9:30am | Speedy Recovery (CD) |
Monday 27th 6.45pm | Anthony Crowney RIP |
Friday 31st 9.30am | Caitlin Wilcox RIP |
Saturday 1st 6.45pm | James & Margaret Sumner RIP |
Sunday 2nd 9.30am | Parishioners |
MONDAY: Eucharistic/Exposition / Benediction 7.10-7.45pm, Confessions: 7.15-7.35pm; FRIDAY: Marian Devotions – 9.55am |
Holy Mass for Sunday at St. Peter & St. Paul’s, Mawdesley – Saturday at 5.00pm, Sunday at 11.15am
This Week | ||
Ministry | E. Minister | Reader |
Saturday | M Rouse | |
Sunday | P Allison | D Mackley |
Next Week | ||
Ministry | E. Minister | Reader |
Saturday | M Cookson | |
Sunday | J Hushon | G Wright |
SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME: This month’s session of preparation for 1st Holy Communion takes place next Sunday (26 Jan) after 9.30am Mass.
COFFEE MORNING / 200 CLUB DRAW: After 9.30am Mass next Sunday (2nd Feb) – combines with the 3rd parish meeting for Synod 2020
HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY: Russian troops liberated thousands of men and women at Auschwitz-Birkenau on 27 January 1945. Monday is therefore the 75th anniversary and there are many services being held to commemorate the occasion and to remember the nearly 8m men, women and children – mainly Jews, but also Catholics, socialists, unionists, gypsies and Muslims – who were systematically killed by the Nazis and others. Everyone is welcome to attend the Memorial Service at Christ Church, Lord St, Southport, on Sunday 26 January. The Service begins at 1.30pm and is a multi-faith service with contributions from local schoolchildren and Lord Doug Hoyle.
OUR LADY’S WEBSITE LAUNCH! I am very happy to announce the launch of our first ever website. Please explore – and spread the word! Find us at www.ourladystarleton.co.uk
SYNOD 2020 – LAUNCH OF THE 3rd THEME: How We Pray Together. This week we begin a period of discernment on the third of the Synod themes, and parishioners will be invited to meet during the Coffee Morning after 9.30am Mass on SUNDAY 2 FEBRUARY, to discuss more proposals for the Synod. Please take an information leaflet on this from the table in the porch.
ECUMENICAL SERVICE: Many thanks to all those who attended last Sunday’s very successful Service. Please see some of the lovely photos, on the notice board in the porch!
WALKING DAY QUIZ NIGHT: will take place on Friday 7th February at 7.30pm in our church hall. Tickets can be bought from Emma O’Hare at church or by calling Keith Greaves on 01772 814817. Tickets are £7.50 including hotpot supper – gluten free and vegetarian options available with prior notice.
LOCAL CAFOD MEETINGS: If you are interested in finding our more about CAFOD and how you can help their important work (ahead of the Lenten Family Fast Day on 6 March) then new volunteers are warmly welcome to attend either a morning meeting at St Patrick’s, Marshside Rd, Churchtown on Thursday 30 January, 10.30am to 12 noon or an evening meeting at Sacred Heart Church, Liverpool Road, Ainsdale, 7pm to 8.30pm.
REFLECTION: SYNOD 2020 – Theme 3 How We Pray Together
Please consider / ponder on these questions, to help you prepare for the 3rd parish meeting at the Coffee Morning on 2 February
- Think of a time when you felt fully engaged in praying with others: what helped this to happen?
- How did you learn to pray? How have your ways of praying changed over time?
- What helps you to pray?
- In 1990 137,000 people attended Mass (in the Archdiocese) every weekend. Last year the number was 40,000. Why have so many stopped praying with us in church at the weekend / during the week?
- To what extent does the celebration of Mass in our parish help you to grow in how you live your faith during the week?