10 November 2024 – 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK Saturday 9th 5.00pm Parishioners Monday 11th 10.00am Holy Souls NDL Thursday 14th 10.00am Holy Souls NDL Saturday 16th 5.00pm Pat Kelly RIP LATEST UP-DATE MASS TIMES: SATURDAY VIGIL MASS at 5pm PARISH OFFICE IS OPEN ON FRIDAYS from 10am to 4pm PARISH NEWSLETTER MASSES THIS WEEKMonday at 10amThursday at 10am, followed by Exposition (10.25am) & Benediction CHURCH OPEN Church is open on Fridays, from 11am to 1pm for prayers before the Blessed Sacrament CONFESSIONS: Confessions will now be heard on the last Saturday of the month, 30 November, 4.15pm-4.45pm READINGS FOR 10 NOVEMBER1st Reading: Kings 17:10-16, The widow made a little scone from her meal and brought it to ElijahPsalm 145: My soul, give praise … Read More